Benjamin Morton Appointed to ELFA Motor Vehicle Subcommittee

May 2011

San Diego Partner Benjamin Morton has been appointed to the Motor Vehicle Subcommittee of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA). The Motor Vehicle Subcommittee is compromised of specialized finance and leasing attorneys from private firms, financing/leasing companies and banks that serve the trucking and transportation equipment industry. The committee's functions include analyzing and reporting on state and federal legislation that impacts the industry; tracking and analyzing important decisions from state and federal judicial districts and sharing best practices for handling claims and litigation.

ELFA is the trade association that represents financial services companies and manufacturers in the U.S. equipment finance sector. ELFA has over 600 members including independent leasing and finance companies, captive finance companies, commercial banks, diversified financial services companies, broker and packagers, investment banks and service providers. Please click here for more information about ELFA.
