Gordon & Rees Boston Environmental Partner’s Successful Negotiations Lead to Client Receiving Environmental Business Council of New England Award

June 2016

Each year, the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) recognizes companies, organizations and individuals for outstanding environmental/energy accomplishments in the promotion of a sustainable, clean environment through the EBEE Awards Celebration. These awards were established by the EBC to encourage companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and environmental professionals to serve as models for others to emulate and, in doing so, further the mission and objectives of the EBC.

Gordon & Rees Boston Environmental Partner Margaret Stolfa represented the firm's client, Town of Medfield, in cleanup negotiations with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that resulted in the Medfield Charles River Gateway Project, a recipient of this year’s EBEE Award. This Award, the Nicholas Humber Environmental-Energy Award for Outstanding Collaboration, recognizes public-private collaboration resulting in the comprehensive remediation of soil, sediment and groundwater at the Former Medfield State Hospital Site and the Major Restoration of Wetlands on the Charles River.

The complex negotiation between the parties resulted in the remediation of a historic landfill and releases of hazardous material along the banks of the Charles River. These impacts were replaced with the largest wetlands and floodplain restoration project on the Charles River and preceded a land transfer that opened the door to redevelopment of almost 100 acres of former state owned property along the River.

