2024 PAGA Reform – Important Development for Employers

July 2024

As a result of significant negotiations among Governor Newsom’s office, legislative leadership, and business/labor stakeholders, AB 2288 and SB 92 have been passed as the PAGA Reform Agreement (effective June 19, 2024).

Join our panel for a discussion on the PAGA Reform Agreement and what this means for your business.

Topics will include:

  • Standing requirement for named plaintiffs
  • New cure process for small employers and other pre-litigation issues
  • Early stay for early evaluation of potential violations
  • Injunctive relief to update policies and practices
  • Manageability requirements at the trial level
  • Potential for reduced penalties for employers who took reasonable steps toward compliance
  • Increase employee allocation of penalties from 25% to 35%

CLE Credit will be offered for California and all states with reciprocity (AK, AZ, CT, FL, HI, MD, MA, MI, NJ, NY).

Register Now. 
